
The Human Trafficking Research Lab (HTRL) at Millikin University was established in 2018 to transform undergraduate performance learning projects into cutting edge human trafficking research. The HTRL team at Millikin University conducts policy relevant research on human trafficking within the United States and internationally. We are the only undergraduate research lab focused on human trafficking in the state of Illinois and one of a handful in the entire United States, making this applied research experience truly unique for Millikin students. Through the  Human Trafficking Research Lab,  we formulate human trafficking research at Millikin by training students to collect, analyze, and write up data results and disseminate these findings to the academic and local community. At Millikin University, our mission is to prepare students for professional success, democratic citizenship in a global environment, and a personal life of meaning and value and the HTRL@Millikin builds on t

Tabling at Great Start Orientation and Registration

Today, I enjoyed hosting a table at Millikin University for new students and parents who were visiting campus to register for classes in the fall. I had several visitors at the table and felt like I was able to strike up some engaging conversations about human trafficking awareness and prevention. The individuals who stopped by were curious and open-minded, taking in the statistics and facts I was able to quickly give them. Several people commented that they had no idea of the information I had given them and thanked me for educating them. A couple individuals even thanked me for my work in combating human trafficking. As someone who is passionate about social justice issues and general kindness among humanity, I often find myself frustrated that the small part I’m doing doesn’t seem to make a difference. My desire is to make a large impact. I am passionate about helping individuals who are overlooked and cast aside. Experiences like today spur me on and encourage me to continue fighti

Hot off the Presses!

In my ten years of teaching in the US I have only had one political science student from my region of the world and when the universe gives you a student who speaks one of your research languages you better take advantage of that opportunity! Kocha Changelia was a Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD) student from the U.S. Department of State at Millikin University back in 2022 and since he was a gifted student and spoke Russian, I thought we could work on this paper together under the auspices of the Human Trafficking Research Lab. Now two years and many revisions later our article " The Social Construction of Human Trafficking Victims in the Russian Media " was just published in the European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research! Congratulations to Kocha on his first peer-reviewed publication and thanks for all of his hard work.

Jerry J. Dawson Civic Leadership Institute Training

My Human Trafficking Research Lab research assistant Diana and I went out to the Macon County Law Enforcement Center to train high school students at the Jerry J. Dawson Civic Leadership Institute on human trafficking. Since most recruitment happens at 14-17 in the US it was great to engage young people in our community on this topic and learn more about their approaches to social media (which is a large recruitment tool for youth)! The head of the leadership institute Dr. Juanita Morris heard about the lab and saw us on the news so it was also great to know that our PR is paying off in useful ways in the community. 

Retrospective on Working in the Lab

As my time in the Human Trafficking Research Lab winds down, I find myself looking back at my time and realizing just how much I really did. I wrote up our lab manual, took minutes in meetings, did a policy brief, got to travel to DC and present at a conference, and a whole lot more. Truly a great experience and I really loved my role as the person who took on what I called the “odd jobs” of working in the lab. I think it was fun to be able to always have something different to do. I also think doing everything else was a lot easier for me than looking at the cases. Because I saw firsthand how much looking at the cases can affect people’s mental health and I am happy to not have subjected myself to that. I don’t know how well I would’ve handled it. Truthfully all I’m feeling as my time with the lab comes is grateful. I earned some money when I really needed it and got to do work that I found important and fulfilling. No complaints, and forever grateful for the opportunity I had to work

Working in Lab this Semester

Working on a human trafficking research lab has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. As a Millikin university student, I was eager to dive into a project that would allow me to make a meaningful impact. Little did I know, this project would be a journey that would not only educate me but also leave a lasting impression on my heart... When I first started on this project, I had certain expectations and preconceptions about human trafficking. However, as I delved deeper into the research, I was confronted with the harsh realities of this global epidemic. Our team was tasked with delving into the dark world of human trafficking. We spent countless hours researching and analyzing data. I was shocked by the complexity of human trafficking, and the ways in which it affects individuals, communities, and societies worldwide.  The statistics, case studies, and different forms of trafficking revealed a staggering truth that could not be ignored. One of the most significant aspects of thi

Honorable Mention at the Poster Symposium

Working in the Human Trafficking Research Lab over the last three years has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my undergraduate career. The lab has taught me many invaluable skills such as research, coding, how to run a survey, and much more. Were it not for my time in the lab, I may have never found my passion for research and specifically human trafficking research, which I intend to pursue after graduate school. The lab has also given me many opportunities to not only present the research I worked on for my three years as a research assistant, but to travel to present, as well. I was able to travel not only to Chicago for the MPSA presentation of our research, but I was also able to travel to Washington D.C. for the first time to present our research at the National Pi Sigma Alpha Conference and win honorable mention at the poster symposium at Millikin. Though the work was challenging, I am incredibly grateful for all the things I learned and skills I gained through the l

The Lab is in Georgia

The Access Georgian Exchange Alumni took time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Georgia English Language Programs. Former Human Trafficking Research Lab Assistant Kocha Changelia plugged the lab and our research project during his presentation and this is a photo of his presentation. In Fall 2022, Kocha was UGRAD exchange student in Political Science at Millikin University while pursuing his degree in International Relations at the International Black Sea University in Tbilisi, Georgia. It's really great to see how international the lab has become because I was able to include students from the region that I study in my research.