Celebrations of Scholarship Poster Symposium

Millikin published a nice article on the Celebrations of Scholarship and the poster symposium showcasing performance learning, student research, and student/faculty collaborative research. Ngabo presented our Human Trafficking Research Lab project entitled "Human Trafficking Adjudication in Central Illinois" at the 29th Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi and the Judith & G. Richard Locke Poster Symposium today at Celebrations of Scholarship at Millikin. His poster won first place in the political science category and he received a ribbon and award money for his work. This is the second time a poster from our lab has won an award at the poster symposium and we are so happy to share our work with the campus community. Ngabo's research was also supported by an Undergraduate Research Fellowship at Millikin University in the summer of 2021 so it was also an opportunity to showcase the work from that important student research funding opportunity at Millikin.