
Showing posts from February, 2024

Operational Group for Anti-Trafficking in Ukraine

In January, I was able to present our research project on human trafficking recruitment during Russia's war in Ukraine to the Оперативнa групa з протидії торгівлі людьми (Operational Group for Anti-Trafficking). I presented in Ukrainian and English and talked with stakeholders working on the ground in Ukraine. Now I get to attend the monthly meetings which is wonderful so I can stay up to date on key issues and anti-trafficking work in Ukraine. Also one thing that is nice about studying countries over many years is that you get to see them grow and change. I have written many things on Ukraine's lack of a human trafficking task force or group but attending their meetings has been a dream come true for me as an anti-trafficking researcher because they have one now!

Pi Sigma Alpha National Student Research Conference

The Human Trafficking Research Lab at Millikin traveled to Washington D.C. to present our research on human trafficking adjudication in central Illinois at the Pi Sigma Alpha National Student Research Conference. Here are some thoughts from the research assistants in the lab on their experience. Going to Washington D.C. was a great experience, and it felt like as a Political Science student I had been missing out greatly by not visiting our nation's capital. Presenting our research in a room full of people intently listening to what we say was nice as well. All in all, between seeing the landmarks and presenting our human trafficking research, Washington D.C. was certainly an experience I will not forget. My favorite part of DC was visiting the National Gallery of Art. While I don't have a very technical understanding of art, I can appreciate the aesthetically pleasing aspect of it. I could have spent countless hours at that museum had time allowed it.  Rhys Deiter Jadon Cox Vi...

Foreign Service Institute Presentation

  I was invited to speak about human trafficking with Foreign Service Institute officers at the US State Department today that are going to be posted in Latvia and Lithuania. I shared trends in the region and things we are seeing due to Russia's war from the increased vulnerability with labor trafficking of Ukrainian refugees and the influx of migrants on the Belarusian and Russian borders. Some of the students will be working on the Trafficking in Persons Report for Latvia and Lithuania so it was a great opportunity to share my recommendations for improvement with the rankings and report.

The Lab in Washington D.C.

The Human Trafficking Research Lab at Millikin traveled to Washington D.C. last week to present our research on human trafficking adjudication in central Illinois at the Pi Sigma Alpha National Student Research Conference. Pi Sigma Alpha is the political science honor and this is the first time I have taken students but we will definitely be back with the support of Millikin's undergraduate conference funding. None of my research assistants have been here before so it was fun to see places again from their perspective! We visited all three branches of government. We stood outside the White House, toured Congress, and sat in for the quickest session of the Supreme Court.

Human Trafficking Prevention Month Social Media Campaign

The last student project as part of Human Trafficking Prevention Month was designed as a social media campaign constituting six different graphics and one video that shows different facts about human trafficking. The students wanted it to start on January 11th and last week but I thought it would more impactful if we spread it out over the whole month. They asked me to include this language with the posts:      January 11th is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. As part of human trafficking awareness, Millikin University has decided to take part and #WearBlueDay on the 11th as well as provide              information, and resources about human trafficking. Students have taken part in making an awareness campaign that will be shown all week. This campaign provides information to educate others on        human trafficking. Additional local resources:  Millikin University Human Trafficking Research Lab: h...