Increasing the Community Assessment Survey Response Rate

One aspect of the Department of Justice grant is for the Human Trafficking Research Lab at Millikin University to complete a community assessment of the Central Illinois Human Trafficking Task Force. As a result, I have recently been working with Dr. Dean to increase our respondent rate to 60% for the survey we sent out to members in March 2021. This survey was initially emailed to members of the task force and aimed to identify how successful the members have found the task force to be, in a variety of aspects. We started by sending personalized links to the survey to each task force member. After a bit of time and a lack of response from a great portion of members, we began to send personal emails to those individuals asking again that they complete the survey, as each individual response is important to our team. 

At that point, I began to conduct interviews over the phone, as well, for those individuals who were unable to complete the survey online. By conducting these interviews and reviewing the results from the survey, I have learned a great deal about the effectiveness of the Central Illinois Human Trafficking Task Force. Most all members are seemingly pleased with the work that has been done by the task force, both in how it educates its members and in connection with the community and human trafficking victims. I feel now as if I have a better understanding of the workings of the task force by listening to its members' thoughts and perspectives. I am also able to attend the bi-monthly task force meetings and the research subcommittee meetings to increase my understanding of the institution works.

Gabby Watson


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