Decatur City Council Proclamation

The Millikin University Human Trafficking Research Lab and The Set Free Movement - Macon County were at the Decatur City Council meeting on January 17th to read the proclamation for Human Trafficking Awareness Month! This proclamation calls on all Decatur citizens, businesses, civil society organizations, communities of faith, families, and individuals, to work together to actively combat human trafficking in our community. Human trafficking is an often overlooked issue which many people assume would not affect them or their community. However, we know that human trafficking is a tragedy that affects all communities. The Proclamation describes human trafficking as a modern form of slavery which affects many individuals and demographics, some even in our own community. Human trafficking is a crime which often goes unnoticed in our community, as survivors are often silenced or reluctant to speak out for themselves for a variety of reasons. The Human Trafficking Proclamation, though, reaffirms Decatur’s commitment to fighting to end human trafficking in our community. It was an honor to be able to give the Proclamation to the Decatur City Council, as well as to have a signature by Mayor Julie Moore Wolfe to solidify her determination and efforts to continue the fight to end all modern forms of slavery. 

Gabby Watson 


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