Tabling at Great Start Orientation and Registration

Today, I enjoyed hosting a table at Millikin University for new students and parents who were visiting campus to register for classes in the fall. I had several visitors at the table and felt like I was able to strike up some engaging conversations about human trafficking awareness and prevention. The individuals who stopped by were curious and open-minded, taking in the statistics and facts I was able to quickly give them. Several people commented that they had no idea of the information I had given them and thanked me for educating them. A couple individuals even thanked me for my work in combating human trafficking. As someone who is passionate about social justice issues and general kindness among humanity, I often find myself frustrated that the small part I’m doing doesn’t seem to make a difference. My desire is to make a large impact. I am passionate about helping individuals who are overlooked and cast aside. Experiences like today spur me on and encourage me to continue fighting the good fight. I am thankful for this opportunity to work with Dr. Dean in the Human Trafficking Research Lab at Millikin and hope to continue doing my part to bring awareness to such an important issue.

​Diana J. Terneus


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