Training Presentation to Millikin University Nursing Students

I recently asked Dr. Dean if we could give a training presentation to the nursing students at Millikin University. I was excited to find that we were able to schedule a meeting with Dr. Gail Fyke's second year nursing class. Our presentation happened at 8 a.m., and although we were informed by the nursing professor that students often have a hard time waking up to engage that early, the students were alert and full of questions! Securing trainings with healthcare professionals is important to me because research shows that 88% of individuals actively being trafficked will encounter a healthcare professional (Polaris, 2014). This means that the more healthcare professions are informed, the better. These helpers are in a position to assist a vulnerable population in giving them resources and offering kind, accepting, and trauma-informed care. I appreciated that students gave me their full attention and seemed interested in what I had to offer. It was a great experience, and I hope to have many more community outreach opportunities in the future. This helps me feel like I am doing a small part in making a difference for a vulnerable population. 

Diana Terneus


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