Winter Immersion Coding

As a political science major with a minor in criminal justice, my academic path has provided me with a unique lens to view the world, especially the issues within our society. Throughout my analyzation of court cases for possible indication of human trafficking within Vermilion County, Illinois. It provided a very eye-opening experience on how difficult it is to identify and combat such potential human trafficking cases. When I first began diving into court cases, my goal was clear: to analyze court cases for potential cases where human trafficking might have occurred. I had to examine each case with additional research and determine if there is or is not the possibility of human trafficking. As I analyzed hundreds of court cases I realized human trafficking hides in plain sight, which makes it very difficult to recognize at times, as they are camouflaged with the charges of prostitution, solicitation, sexual assault, child pornography, domestic violence, and many other criminal charges. Though recognizing possible human trafficking cases through the court system wasn't the only difficulty I encountered. I also found it challenging to find additional and/or solid evidence on either the potential victim or perpetrator of human trafficking. 

Viewing these challenges merely as someone analyzing cases tidbits of information gave me insight to the emotional toll of researching human trafficking. Throughout my research I gained more respect for those working on combating human trafficking. Even with clear signs of possible human trafficking, there are many barriers that prevent victims from ever truly receiving the support and justice they truly need. This happens at the same time as the perpetrators are not charged with the proper criminal charges. In the end researching court cases to uncover potential human trafficking events has been a very interesting and motivative experience. It also reinforces my commitment to pursue a career in law and criminal justice,  in the future so that I can help people in need.

Akeila McNeal


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