CIHTTF Final Survey Assessment


As part of our final grant requirements with the Central Illinois Human Trafficking Task Force we are working on our final report documenting task force efforts. The final assessment will examine the performance of the taskforce over the grant period and our impact on Central Illinois in compliance with ECM goals. We will discuss the characteristics of human trafficking in Central Illinois and determine how we can use these data to strengthen and combat these trends through the task force in our region. We will investigate questions about task force needs; key geographic, demographic, and industry-specific vulnerabilities; effective prosecution tactics; and effective organizational strategies. In doing this we would like to assess the performance of the taskforce, identify potential areas of the community where sex and labor trafficking may be occurring, and areas for task force improvements.  Then we will supplement this survey data with the CIHTTF Facebook engagement data, CIHTTF website visits, training data, membership data and mapping to show and assess the impact of the task force over the grant period. This final data-driven assessment will allow us to factor in the experiences of task force stakeholders and identify areas within the community where vulnerabilities for trafficking exploitation may be occurring. After designing and updating the pre-test survey, we sent out the first part of the assessment to task force members. This is what Rhys had to say about inputting the questions into the survey software.

"Helping Dr. Dean put out a survey for the CIHTTF was pretty neat. I hadn’t used Survey Monkey before and was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to transfer the survey questions from the word document to the survey software. Everything went fairly smoothly with virtually no hiccups along the way. I even did my own dry run of the survey just so I had an idea of how long it would take for the taskforce members to fill out the survey. It came out to roughly three to five minutes, ultimately it boiled down to how prepared one would be to answer the questions on the survey."
Rhys Deiter


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