Honorable Mention at the Poster Symposium

Working in the Human Trafficking Research Lab over the last three years has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my undergraduate career. The lab has taught me many invaluable skills such as research, coding, how to run a survey, and much more. Were it not for my time in the lab, I may have never found my passion for research and specifically human trafficking research, which I intend to pursue after graduate school. The lab has also given me many opportunities to not only present the research I worked on for my three years as a research assistant, but to travel to present, as well. I was able to travel not only to Chicago for the MPSA presentation of our research, but I was also able to travel to Washington D.C. for the first time to present our research at the National Pi Sigma Alpha Conference and win honorable mention at the poster symposium at Millikin. Though the work was challenging, I am incredibly grateful for all the things I learned and skills I gained through the lab.

Gabby Watson


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