Coffee Sleeves

For the month of January on the blog, I will run through the different group projects from the awareness campaign created by students in my PO 323 Human Trafficking class for Human Trafficking Prevention Month. One group designed stickers for coffee sleeves and sent emails asking local coffee shops asking if they would be willing to put the stickers on their sleeves during January. Thankfully, locally owned and operated Coffee Run 121 wrote back and said that they would be willing to put them on their coffee sleeves at their two Decatur locations. Trying to figure out how to print them professionally and cheaply was another challenge but thankfully our duplicating department at Millikin worked with me so that I bought the stickers and they charged me just for the printing of over 300 stickers. All in all this saved me around $150 from a professional sticker printer and I think the results turned out great. Stop by the Coffee Run 121 locations at Harristown 4314 W Main Street or Decatur South 1661 S Taylorville Road and get a hot drink to see the students work in action. You can also share your coffee sticker on social media and raise awareness during Human Trafficking Prevention Month! Thankful for local businesses that support our students at Millikin University!


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